Visscher 1699, map of Europe
An unfortunate history for this specimen.
- Publication date1699
- CategoryContinental map
- Mapped regionEurope
- Paper width (mm)548
- Paper height (mm)470
- Printed width (mm)538
- Printed height (mm)435
Map title
Europa delineata et recens edita per Nicolaum Visscher.
Visscher, N.
Map condition
Missing much of the left 4 cm of the map due to amateur attempt to reinforce the margin. The lower left 12 cm × 23 cm rectangle of the map is reinforced on front with rice paper adhered with insoluble glue. Aside from the ragged and missing left edge, several short tears break the margins; two on the lower edge intrude into the map. Light soiling, narrow margins. Strong impression.
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Visscher 1699, map of Europe
Visscher 1699, map of Europe