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D’Anville 1753​,​ large map of Indian Coromandel coast

Consisting of two sheets, one titled “Coromandel” and the other “Carnate”, the sheets form a very large map of the east coast of peninsular India. The given dimensions are for each map.


  • Publication date1753
  • CategoryRegional map
  • Mapped regionAsia
  • Paper width (mm)827
  • Paper height (mm)554
  • Printed width (mm)500
  • Printed height (mm)484

Map title

Coromandel Carnate


d’Anville, J.B.B.

Map condition

Each sheet has one fold, as issued. A 5 cm along one sheet’s fold. Some light mold stains. Light yellowing. Light, limited image transfer. Strong impression.

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    D’Anville 1753​,​ large map of Indian Coromandel coast

    D’Anville 1753​,​ large map of Indian Coromandel coast


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